Today's image is titled A Rosy Perspective. It does seem apropos of today's entry.
I said I would check on a few of the neighbors. Boy did I get an earful! In addition to the general flooding and power outages, two major grocery stores were without power. One of them had a generator set up to go in case of such an emergency- But lo and behold, the generator caught fire! That would explain the howling of the sirens. That is a bit ironic to someone who lives in a place that before for power company purposes was viewed as a sort of red-headed stepchild.
I suppose I should explain the power company thing. Our area is prone to outages, or was. And when there were area-wide outages, we would be among the last people locally to get electricity back. I can't really fault the power company, though; They do need to have an order for attending to the grid in order to get anything done at all, and even their repair people haven't mastered the art of being in more than one place at once.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
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