Today's image is titled Sunset. It really gave me a bear while making it, and it still didn't come out the way I really wanted it: That bug that I had a problem with before concerning flood-fills not filling cropped up again, and one of my attempted work-arounds gave results that I didn't find appealing at all. Still, it did give me an idea that I'll try the next time.
People around me have been incredibly busy! One friend has been cleaning, holiday shopping, and organizing and running holiday parties- all while being ill! And another has been going bonkers with her end-of-term project, trying to find information that has suspiciously turned up missing. Considering what the project is about, I'm not terribly surprised about the information.
As for myself, today I'll be giving my new shampooer a trial run. I'll give you a report on how well it works later.
Wish me luck, Gentle Readers!
Until we meet...
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