Today's image is titled Christmas Circles. I was trying to create this effect yesterday with the dark green background- but apparently that green just doesn't play nicely with a lot of other colors, so to speak. At least, it doesn't as a background, though it does as an object.
We had a small bit of excitement today. While we didn't lose power altogether, something outside sure went POW. In fact, it did that several times, much to the displeasure of our kitties. So I crawled out of my nice warm nest and did everything I could that actually required electricity: For all I knew, it was about to go out altogether.
Someone called the power company, and they sent a crew out to investigate. Picture this: It is cold outside, at least one of the neighbors isn't cooperative- though it would have been to his benefit to try to help out with information, and it's right smack-dab in the middle of the holiday season. These gentlemen from the power company inspected every inch of the line that they could, though, before they found the frayed area that seemed to be the source of the problem. Rather than wait for a major problem to develop, they turned off the transformer and fixed it right then and there. I'm sure they will enjoy their hot coffee or whatever they have waiting for them!
Make sure you think about these people as you celebrate your holidays: Emergencies and power outages don't take vacations.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
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