Today's image is titled X Marks the Spot. I used a filter that I normally wouldn't for the layer that has the black petals in it, then installed the broad X in the top layer. I wasn't really sure what would happen- But the green is showing up far better than I thought it would!
The next few days should be busy. The time change is coming up soon, of course. And there is Thanksgiving- which, sadly, will be but little more than a footnote to most stores. Instead, they will be gearing up for the kick-off of the Christmas shopping season.
I know at least two parties who will not be pleased by the time change: Galahad and Egraine, the cats, happen to like their meals on time or even ahead of time, if they can get it. They're part of why I'm up now and have been for several hours. Right now, though, the covers are looking mighty good!
There is one advantage; At least I've taken care of a number of chores so they won't be in the way of anything else I might wish to do today!
Until We Meet, Gentle Readers...
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