Today's image is titled Blowing Bubbles. As you might guess, I was experimenting with blurring the lines as well as overlays. The name is really more of a placeholder than anything else.
I promised to tell a few more traveler's tales, so here goes.
The night before we were supposed to hit the road, my husband tried to get some directions from Googlemaps. Note I said tried; A number of key elements were missing especially toward the destination, and nothing was mentioned about the detours. Of course, the map makers can't be expected to keep track of road construction, so that was no big deal.
However, they did suffice to get us most of the way to our destination. I was interested to see that some of the traditional billboards had been replaced by computerized boards that could switch out ads. I see both an advantage and a disadvantage to this; On the one hand, fewer billboards will be needed for the same amount of advertising space. On the other, people may find it hard to gather the pertinent information from the ads before the next one rotates in.
I-85 was the worst part of the trip; It tended to split a lot, and not give any indication of which was the right 85 for the traveler to follow. In fact, my husband and I refer to that as the schizophrenic road. Fortunately, it wasn't as bad coming back- though I will never really like it.
We didn't quite make it to our destination on the first day, both because of the road and because we got a later start than we planned. Other than our minor adventure with the motel that I spoke of yesterday, though, there was little in the way of adventure.
Until We Meet, Gentle Readers...
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