In honor of the recent holiday, I decided to dig this picture up from the depths of my archives. It is one that I used for inspiration some years ago when I decided to start collecting family recipes into a cookbook for those without ready access to some of the gourmet foods that are often featured on the cooking shows.
Other than a couple of slow-traffic areas, and once getting very lost near our destination, our trip was fairly uneventful. However, the police were quite active during the week, starting last Saturday, when several vehicles blockaded a local bank! I've not found out what the story behind that was, but it wouldn't be the first time that an area bank was robbed. We also saw at least one accident on our way down to South Carolina, and legions of people sitting in front of those flashing blue lights. I can only say Wow!
This is the first in a small series of traveler's tales, and will include even a motel review. Sadly, I can't honestly say many good things about the place. But that is a post for another time.
Until We Meet, Gentle Readers...
YEAH! You're home!!!! I missded you!!!!