Today's image is titled Sparkle Ball. And yes, I finally did figure out how that worked! I'll need to repeat this in silver too, and I may try other things with it. But I call this a success!
Boy, yesterday was I ever feeling icky- especially toward evening! I did manage to get part of my homework done, though, and to uncover a few places where I need to pay a bit more attention. Over all, it was a productive night in spite of the headache and unhappy insides.
My husband, bless his heart, brought home a dozen roses and a box of chocolates for our anniversary! The flowers now grace a counter where (hopefully) Galahad the oversized kitten will leave them alone. We'll be going out of town, so I'll consider that our 'present'. Meanwhile, I ought to think about what to do about the gift-giving season; Money is tight, like it is for most of us, and so is space. I'll think of something; I always do.
Until We Meet, Gentle Readers...