Wednesday, November 17, 2010

What Was the School Thinking?

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is titled Unexpected- Largely because it is. I forget exactly what I was trying for, but the circles anchoring the corners weren't quite what I wanted. Still, it does have a certain glow. I'm going to try to reproduce that with this year's series of winter images.

Last night, I made quite a lot of progress with my note-taking. But when I opened that last chapter to see what I would have to do with it, I got a surprise that I'm not sure I like; It's even bigger than the ones I had already noted! What was the school thinking, wanting us to read and note all of that in less than a week?! I'll probably be burning a lot of midnight oil again. Fortunately, I seem to have the hydrological cycles down, though I did need to make notes of specific terms just in case the professor was looking for certain words rather than layman's descriptions.

Until We Meet, Gentle Readers...

1 comment:

  1. But saw how I handled the hydrologic cycles! It's not as horrible as they are trying to make it out to be!
