Today's image is titled Cats' Eyes. It's not exactly a cat's eye marble, there being several inclusions in the main figure But the shape of the inclusions is the same, and I did use a disolve figure to give a bit of a speckled effect.
Last night while I was taking notes, I noticed that a lot of the stuff I was noting was already included in previous reading. That doesn't mean I stinted, of course; I was very careful not to just in case I missed something earlier! But it does mean that the language isn't quite as alien as it used to be.
I am going to have to find out about the rocks where I live; I need it both for a project and for an assignment. I've been finding it very difficult to find what I want, though I can find all kinds of stuff that dances around the issue!
Until We Meet, Gentle Readers...
I am betting a local museum will be able to answer your questions about the rock, or talk to the geology department of the nearest college!