Today's image is titled Split Circles. I wasn't going for this specific effect at all when I made this picture: I was hoping more for a spectrum effect in the circle. However, the image does have a certain energy. Thus, it got saves. Perhaps I'll get my spectrums in another attempt.
Boy do I have my work cut out for me today! I've got an assignment or two two try to get turned in, and a cake to bake so my husband and I can take it with us to share with my brother and sister in law, and her parents. I've been wanting to bake that cake for some time, but it wasn't a good idea with all the candy laying around the house. Too, there is the fact that Randy and I couldn't hope to eat it by ourselves in a reasonably amount of time. It would be much better to share it, I think. We'll be down for about a week, so that'll give us all the time we need.
Until We Meet, Gentle Readers...
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