Today's image is titled Silver Glitter. I have a second, far more dramatic silver glitter image as well- but it needs a little work before I publish it.
Yesterday was a solemn occasion as we thought of the soldiers, many of whom didn't get to come home to their families. Today, we can turn our thoughts to more cheerful matters; The upcoming holidays, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Eve.
Any more, Thanksgiving is pretty much a forgotten holiday, except by retailers who are ramping up the sales of food and gift items. At one time, it was considered important. It still should be, as it is a celebration of a good harvest, though many of us don't farm like those who created the holiday did. It is still considered a time to gather, though, and maybe even watch football or whatever the family does. While I personally don't enjoy the sport, I can appreciate a good play.
The modern version of Christmas is a wild conglomeration of many winter solstice holidays, with a little spice of Christianity even though reliable scholars don't think the event it was supposed to celebrate happened until spring. Still, I have spent hours watching the lights and decorations.
New Year's Eve is yet another hodgepodge of traditions. Many cultures believe that it is lucky to bring in the New Year with love and laughter, though. Certainly, it is a very good way to make a new start of any sort!
Until We Meet, Gentle Readers...
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