Today's image is titled Angel-Winged. When I made this image, I wasn't pleased with the huge fields of pale washed-out gold. A number of flood-fills fixed that, though!
Yesterday and the day before were down-right gloomy. I didn't want to do anything but sleep! In light of what I had to accomplish, though, that was not a complete option.
I did manage to get that final essay for my accounting class turned in- after I plowed through well over 150 pages of textbook to find some of the notes that I needed, including a few items that I could have sworn I had taken notes on, but couldn't find. Still, after I found that, I was quite pleased. And the cats swore I was nuts with the way I was dancing around! Needless to say, I did yet more note-taking. I now have three days to finish that, along with starting notes and assignments for next week. I also have two weeks to try to get stuff turned in so I'll have a relatively easy time while my husband and I are away on vacation.
Things are looking very good!
Until We Meet, Gentle Readers...
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