Good Morning, Gentle Readers!
Today's image is titled Crystal and Mist. I'm thinking of trying to remake this using a different method: The mist part didn't come out quite as I would like, and I think I know why. One of these days I'll figure out how the layer tool in my program really works!
Today is going to be quite busy: I want to try to get the rest of this week's school work done, along with anything that's due on Monday. I'm going to be away again this weekend, and catching up all that stuff isn't much fun at 2 AM.
I also need to make a start in my end-project for my Critical Thinking course.
You know- Critical Thinking can be a very strange class. You have to actually learn how to argue with yourself. At least, that is how it looks at second glance. At the first, it just looks scary. Business 210 is demanding too: I need to reread some of the material, then describe companies that use different business models. I seem to have breathing space there, but I don't want to let that go too long. I said it before, but it bears repeating: Procrastination is no student's friend.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
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