Good Morning, Gentle Readers!
As by now you know, I avoid some subjects like the plague: Politics and religion, for instance, are very hard for some people, even myself, to discuss without undue heat.
But there are some things that it is not good to ignore. One of these things is the events of September 11. We lost a lot of good people in the terrorist attacks that day: Family, people who were looking to start new lives together, kids who never got to reach their full growth and potential. And later on, we lost brave people who tried to rescue survivors from the rubble and fires. There was no need for any of this to happen; Certain people just thought they were proving that they were being big brave holy warriors by carrying out these mass murders. And they were even using their own children- which says nothing for these leaders.
I was at home that day, tending my pets and abode, and talking with a few friends via the Internet when it happened. The terrible things of that day upset a lot of people and left us in a state of shock. But there was amazing courage too, even in that online community: We immediately organized forums and places where we could meet and talk, and exchange news and comfort. We sought news of our own family. Some attention-seekers, alas, abused the love and trust they had been given. But they were dealt with in short order too.
We who were there will never forget. 9 11 changed us, as surely as the bombing of Pearl Harbor or the Kennedy assassination. Be warned, Terrorists: We might grieve, but when we seem to be beaten is when we rise again with a vengeance!
Until we meet...
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