Good Morning, Gentle Readers!
No doubt, some of you are wondering about the title of today's entry. Well, it's like this: I knew I was getting out of shape. But I didn't how how out of shape I was until this past weekend when I helped my parents pack and move. All that lifting and carrying has made me use muscles I had all but forgotten about! The good news is that the worst of the work has been done. All that's left is cleaning things up and putting them away in their new home.
The bad news- if it could really be called that- is that my new courses have started, and right off the bat some major assignments have to be attended to. So I was up until after 2 AM taking care of the first ones! I have more that I need to do after I finish with my Monday chores. As much as I wish Randy had decided to spend the night with my parents and drive home today- he was exhausted- coming home last night has saved me trouble of another sort.
It was quite an experience.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
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