Thursday, January 6, 2011

Mirror Image?

Good Afternoon, Gentle Readers!

Today's image is a fractal by Ron Venable that he titled Happy New Year! I thought it quite appropriate, and extremely cheerful.

I've got one more item to turn in for the school- but that won't take long, considering how it is- or is going to be- almost identical to an assignment I turned in a year ago. I do have to say I wonder about some of the school's staff; I point out to them that this stuff they're presenting is identical to what I saw in my first course here, but they try to tell me that it is only similar. Sorry, ladies and gentlemen; I could quote some of those passages. About all that's really different is the way that it's used. Considering how the course is compressed, that may be enough of a difference- but I don't like people trying to brush me off like that.

Until We Meet, Gentle Readers...

1 comment:

  1. Look at it this already have the answers for the assignments. All you have to do is change them slightly, so they can't accuse you of plagiarizing your own work.
