Today's image is titled Sunny Ball. The effect is really more like a flower wrapping around the ball, but I was at a loss at the time for a name. Needless to say, I ran with this.
I can only beg your pardon for my absence yesterday, Gentle Readers; I was quite busy most of the day, and ended up going to bed a bit early with not feeling so well. I am feeling much better now, other than a mild headache- and I daresay a hot cup of tea will fix that! I'll have my morning coffee later.
I just ran into my first stumbling block with my present course; The assignment requires me to use a page in the text that was not in one of the downloads, though I do have the pages on either side of that most particular one. That shouldn't be too much of a problem, though; If I'm right about the material, I have the item required in a previous course. I'll go looking for it later on. Wish me luck!
Until We Meet, Gentle Readers...
Have you found the missing page? If not...perhaps you need to alert the professor to the fact this page they are referring to does not apparently exist.
ReplyDeleteOh, the page exists all right. But it's not in the downloads. However, no need to fear; One of my fellow classmates found the item on a different page. How lucky can you get?
ReplyDeleteVERY LUCKY!!! I'm glad you have classmates that aren't so impressed with themselves that they ignore the plight of everyone else.