Today's image is titled Swirl. I made it last night- quite by accident (so what's new?). I was trying to get green to swirl in with the pink. It didn't quite work, but I think I have an idea how to make it work now. My husband looked over my shoulder at it and commented on how it looked like a Yin-Yang.
That is highly apropos to what I am going to talk about today. Just a short time ago, I came across an essay in one of the blogs I follow about Poise.
It talked about how poise is grace under pressure, or the ability to not lose one's cool when the going gets tough. The author even found a rap group called Poise and listened to a song by them titled Words Are Weapons. While I don't like rap, I think this group has something to say.
I don't think I will ever be a true master of Poise. But I have great admiration for those who are.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
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