Today's image is titled Spark In Amethyst. I experimented with using a couple of different background colors and flood-fills on a transparent base. Apparently, the transparent base does help the colors to remain more true. But it is not fool-proof, and lacks some of the drama that a dark background can give. Sometimes, though, darkness is not needed. Some time in the near future, I think I'll try to reverse the red and blue. That does look promising!
This morning as I was reading through the blogs I normally follow, I came across a video about UFOs. I'm not saying that this video is or isn't that. Certainly not everyone that claims to see a UFO really has seen one. But we have a lot of perfectly good stars out there. It would be just plain silly to not have some other intelligent race out there creating space ships, or space-faring civilizations.
What would happen if we were to meet these other beings? Would they be able to teach us? Or willing to, until we are willing to grow up as a species and put aside needless anger and hate? Or would they come as the stereotypical Monsters From Mars? Or even both friend and foe?
Thoughts like that may be a waste of time for some. But it's no more a waste than many of the other hundreds of games that we play.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Nobody wants to believe we aren't alone in the universe more than me. Personally, I believe that there HAS to be life out there somewhere else (if only because of the sheer SIZE of the universe.) That being said, I find it hard to believe that ANY race with the power to travel to our world across interstellar distances would come here simply to stooge around and get caught on video. IF aliens ever come they might want to teach us (or conquor us) but they sure as shootin' wouldn't simply be hanging out so we can catch them on camera.