Tuesday, January 5, 2010

News And Determination

Good Morning, Gentle Readers!

I'm sure some of you are wondering why the dark image this morning. Well- this morning, I learned that a cousin affectionately known as Frodo had died. He was a fine gentleman with a wonderful sense of humor. And more importantly, he believed in his friends who were trying to improve themselves and their circumstances. Here's for you, Frodo.

With that, I will offer a short piece of poetry:

Don't look at the Earth
where corpses lie
Seek the stars
I did not die

With that, I have no intention of disappointing him. So on this year's must do list I will:

Complete my schooling
Complete at least one book
Lay concrete plans for my business

I no longer will seek aid from those who cannot or will not give it. In one way, that is sad- but in another, it is freeing.

Until we meet, Gentle Readers...


  1. *tearful hugs* Frodo would be so proud of you for those determined vows.

  2. He would expect no less. So I raise my coffee mug and say, "Here's to you!"
