Today's image is titled Amethyst Star. I made it some time ago, then more or less let it sit in a file. I always intended to show it, but kept getting distracted by other projects.
A few months ago, I talked with my mother about some of my pictures. She suggested that I should start painting them as murals, rather than as something that could be hung on the wall. The idea does have merit: For one thing, a mural isn't going to come crashing down off the wall in the middle of the night if a nail should work loose! She also suggested that I might want to use paint or a glaze with glitter in it for a finishing touch. I admit, I like sparkly things as long as it's not over-done. So perhaps I will do just that!
Last night, I finally got the feedback I was looking for from my classmate and my instructor for the one project. I was gratifying to see that they both seemed to like the paper so far, and that I only had to make minor changes. My classmate did bring up a few items that I might want to mention in the course of the paper, and I'll be sure to incorporate them- If only for the word count!
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
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