Today's image is titled Blue Night- Green Day. I made deliberate use of the flood-fill bug that had been such a pain to deal with before for part of it. Only since I was using a blue base to paint on instead of black or white, I got something that was very much unexpected. Again, what is new? Then I added the circle that accounts for the name of the image. I thought about trying to add a few stars, but decided that would be too much.
I got quite a lot done yesterday in the school department, including an assignment that had been driving me up the wall. But I've got quite a lot more to do too that I need to hear back from my instructors to complete. While I'm pretty good at waiting when I have to, I can't say I really like it: It puts me behind. And I've lost track of how many opportunities I've lost because of well-meaning 'helpers'. Fortunately, perhaps, the instructors I've met so far at the University of Phoenix have done their level best- All hail these fine ladies and gentlemen!
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
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