Today's image is titled Rosebud. It is based in part on a mistake that lead to a couple of my other pictures that you've viewed recently, but with a slight twist: Most of what you see is very deliberate, though some I wasn't sure what would happen.
Welcome to the first day of 2010: Some would even say the first day of the new decade. It's grey outside, but warmer than it was yesterday: I'm not having to reach for my 'hand-warmers'- which are fingerless mitts that I made to wear when I'm at the keyboard but my hands were freezing.
I don't make resolutions: That is a bit of a waste of time, in my opinion. But I do have a plan; All I need now is to make a really-truly paper schedule to follow so I can stick to it more easily. I admit, there are times when I'm far too easily distracted.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
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