Today's image is a bit of whimsy I named Pink Dancing Dandelions. This wasn't exactly what I intended, of course; It seldom is. There was a step I missed during the creation. However, as it doesn't seem to have harmed anything, I'm not going to sweat it.
A few days ago, my husband and I went shopping for a new mattress when the old one started growing some rather strange lumps. It's all set up now, and the cats are wondering where the lumps are: They were just the right size to pillow feline heads.
I spent most of last night reading a text- and later on, I found out that part of what I read wasn't really required. Still, it was fascinating reading about the cultures of Middle and South America, as well as the Middle Ages! It's too bad that the grade school and high school texts take such a dry approach to the subject, and no wonder kids end up deciding they don't want to deal with it. But they're missing out on a lot. Perhaps I can suggest a hands-on approach to some of the techniques. Now that I think of it, I wonder if perhaps I can't set up some kind of fund; Confucius was a pretty smart cookie, and one of the principles he believed to be important centered around arts and the humanities.
Modern science confirms what Confucius knew; They have found that people exposed to music, arts, and sports tend to have more developed brains. It's a shame that those are the very programs getting the ax, most of the time.
Until We Meet, Gentle Readers...
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