Today's image is titled Will o' Wisp. I created it just a little while ago. I confess, I was a little nervous about using red-orange over green and blue- But the effect came out much better than I thought it would!
My apologies for not writing in yesterday; I had a number of projects to finish, including one that I promised a friend. I'm not sure that that one is really finished, even; I had made a collection of images that are plainly a set, and I'm considering making them into a collage. My friend suggested that they be turned into stained glass, and that would indeed be stunning. But I think I will hold off on that project until I have somewhere to display it.
Now for a bit of whimsy...
Have any of you ever heard of dogs that kiss flowers good-night? Well, apparently my friend's little dog does just that. It was pretty hilarious hearing about him doing that. I can only imagine how hard it was for my friend to keep a straight face so she wouldn't hurt his feelings!
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
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