Today's image is titled Outline. I really was not at all sure what would happen if I put those outlined areas around the outside of my frame, then shaped it into a pentagon like you see now. I am, however, very happy with the results.
When I last talked with one of my counselors, I learned that I would be graduating from everything around December. That would make a nice holiday present! I did work for it, of course- but I will have that degree to show anyone that wants to see it. At present, I need to finish my investigations on a number of other items- Like how much do people charge for work that is comparable to mine? I've not seen anything identical, of course, but I was impressed with what I saw another artist showing. This other lady, though, works with oil and canvas- so I'll need to keep that in mind. You'll be the first to hear when I'm ready to go!
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
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