Today's image is titled Water. There are a number of odd things about this image; For one thing, the fields you see crossing over the light are supposed to be a rosy color. However, I suspect that the overlay filter in the layer itself prevented that. Rose and pink simply do not show well over dark blue when one uses that.
I don't have much news on the school front, other than an error report- Not on my side of the equation, though, but on the school's. When I tried to turn in an item, I discovered that a mis-set flag in the area I'm supposed to use eliminated that function. I still have a few more days before I really need to turn the assignment in, fortunately, and tech support and my professor have been made aware of the mistake. Hopefully that will give us enough time to get everything fixed.
Which is well; I now have a couple of assignments to do for next week, between thunderstorms which will be rolling in right about then. If they're the same ones that have hit my friend out in the mid-west, then I had better hurry up and get them done!
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
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