Today's image is titled Screening. I'm using that more as a place-holder name than anything else, In any case, this is about what I was trying to make when I created Water a few days ago.
Well, we didn't get the predicted storms last night- or rather, possible storms. But the sky looks mighty grey right now. That being the case, I would do well to get my chores done ASAP, along with my school work that I didn't get to finish over the weekend. I try not to complain about the weather since I can't change it, but the heat has been oppressive. While I haven't seen any death lists like I've heard were being placed in papers elsewhere, I imagine a lot of kids and older people are dropping with heat stroke. In fact, I've not even seen the usual assortment of them riding their bikes up and down the drive during the past few days. I sure hope we do get that rain soon. The little critters can't be having any easier time of it than us big ones.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
We just had a gully washer roar through here...TWICE! Headed East then turned around and came back! I have no idea where it went from here though!