Today's image is titled Shards In Heat, and I think you can see why. I originally intended to post this yesterday, but somehow I couldn't find it. I still don't know why; It was safely right where I put it. Perhaps it's time for me to make an extra folder and move a few of my images there so I can sort the rest more easily.
Boy am I glad I got all my really heavy housework done Monday! Yesterday, when I checked the forecast for my area, I found myself gawking at a forecast high of 100+! Methinks I'm going to be hitting the drinks hard today.
This morning as I was doing my morning reading, I came upon a blog by David Stehl of The Rest Is Still Unwritten fame. This morning, he wrote about the importance of finding things to be grateful for. He is right; Most times in the news, one hears about all the bad things that are happening. When one thinks about work, one usually thinks about all the problems that one may have encountered. When one thinks of school work, it's not hard to get caught up in the cycle of moaning about how hard the assignments are.
But it's more important now than ever to not let that negative energy suck you down. This may sound kooky or New-Agish, but the fact is that negative energy- negativity- is tiring, draining even. So it's important to put so much positive energy in your life that there is no room for the negative stuff. One way is to record the things that make you happy, for your own eyes if not for anyone else. Another way is to train yourself to think good thoughts. Negative thinking, admittedly, is a hard habit to break. But it can be done. And the more people that do it, the better.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
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