Today's image is titled Snowfield. I thought it appropriate for today; I am presently watching the second snowfall of the winter season where I live. I don't think it will stick for long- but with the bitter temperatures heading this way, it will leave an icy mess for anyone who has to go out in it! Lucky me, I get to hole up inside with a nice hot mug of cocoa if I want to!
I hope you can forgive my absence during the past couple of days, Gentle Readers; I had a number of finishing touches to put on a project, and there were a number of elements that simply were not coming together until I invoked The Power of the Yellow Pad. By the time I finished up late last night, my brain was squawking in protest at the thought of doing any more heavy thinking for the night, so I hit the sack. I'm feeling a lot better now!
I even have a short break before I hit the studies again- which suits me no end! As it is, I'll have to download material- but I'll have only one course at a time, unlike the past several blocks when I had two. That may not be much of an advantage, considering how demanding some of my past courses were. But bring it on!
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
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