Today's image is titled Almost A Bell. I was really trying to create a festive bell for the season, but the one side simply would not curve the way I wanted it. I eventually decided to run with what you see now.
Somehow I don't think we'll see close to 60 degrees Fahrenheit today. Last night, a gentleman reminded me with a bit of gentle humor that not everyone uses the old English system of measurements- so now I shall attempt to remember to tell you, my readers, which system I am using to avoid confusion in the future!
Yesterday at a comic strip I read frequently, I and the other fans got a very unpleasant surprise; The comment section got closed down without warning. I imagine that the artist was going to try to give us a heads-up, but his computer went bonkers before he could. Nonetheless, there are a lot of hard feelings about how the closing was handled- or mishandled, as it were.
As a business student and a reader, I can tell what exactly went wrong;
1) The strip's host did not give the readers any notice that anything was going down.
2) The strip's host then proceeded to write an 'explanation' that came across as extremely condescending, and frankly as full of holes as a block of Swiss cheese.
3) The strip's writer also knew what was happening- at his request- but he also failed to give us any notice of what was happening. I can respect his wish to not have a comment section, but the entire issue was handled badly.
As a result, both host and writer will find that their customer base is at best shaken, and will have to work very hard to get it all back. It's too bad, really; The loyal readers of the strip were also among some of the best troll and spammer hunters the host had.
Most of us have recovered from the first shock and are trying to best recover what the community lost. A number of ideas have been presented. Fortunately, we even had a couple of contingency plans in case the strip's comment page became unusable for whatever reason. We shall see what happens.
Until We Meet, Gentle Readers...
Has it been cleared up yet? Or are they not listening to the fans still?
ReplyDeleteI doubt the comment section will be restored- and even if it is- Well, once bitten, twice shy.