Today's image is titled Spotlights. I didn't quite get what I wanted with this- Like that's new. But I thought it would be nice and warming on this chilly morning.
And I do mean chilly! We have experienced the first frost of the season; I could still see a few crystals of it on items that were in the shade. Other than that, it's beautifully sunny outside. I think that soon I'll step out and see what I can do about my Christmas shopping; By now, the Black Friday madness should have passed.
Over all, I did enjoy my stay in Greenwood.
Not all was happiness, though. We had to lay Pop and his wife to rest. Pop didn't want a funeral; He simply wanted his ashes and hers spread together. A pastor from a local church came to offer prayers with us, before and after the spreading. Pop had a low-growing palm tree in the back yard of the last place he lived, and there was a lighthouse ornament where it could be seen from that tree. That was where we left him, and her. It was a bittersweet experience.
After that, we stayed in his house for a while trading a few stories and memories. The thing that stayed with us was that Pop lived until the very end.
Until We Meet, Gentle Readers...
...definitely bittersweet.
ReplyDeleteWee first frosts. I'm sitting here on my friend's comp (Yeea for awesome room mates) waiting for hoping to all the gods the geek squade person doesn't get snowed out...we're supposed to get some tonight.
I'm beginning to wonder why I chose this time to move back to Indiana...heh.