Today's image is simply titled Flecks. I used a filter in the second layer to let bits of the first show through, similar to what I use for glitter. I then used an overlay filter for the last two layers, rather than the hard light I had been using. I was considering making a picture similar to one I had made some time ago titled Scarves, but decided to run with this instead.
I was just over at Ancestry.com looking over a few items, and I came across a marvelous story that I felt was entirely appropriate for the season.
This tale is set back during the depression. A gentleman using an alias took out a small ad in a local newspaper informing people that if they wrote him asking for help, he would give them five dollars to buy things for their families. One of the families had a mother who wrote in, telling a heart-breaking story about a six-year-old boy whose shoes were more hole than shoe, a four-year-old girl who had just had a birthday, and an 18 month old baby.
The girl was given a little wooden pony with a pull string that she adored- but she wondered how her parents could afford such a luxury; Even at her tender age, she knew that times were hard. She grew up to raise miniature horses later on. When she was about 80 years old, she met the son of her family's benefactor.
In the story's simplicity, there is a kind of warmth and beauty that I would now wish we can all hold in our hearts throughout the year.
Until We Meet, Gentle Readers...
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