Today's image is titled Circle Of Sunshine. I was going to try to use a deformation to make the lines curve up like wings, but of course it didn't quite do as planned. Still, I did like what happened and so saved it.
Have any of you considered thoughts for the new year? Personally, I really think New Year's Resolutions are silly and a waste of time- at least, as a lot of people handle them. But perhaps a list of goals and a plan are good ideas, rather than a a huge list of promises which probably won't be kept. After the past year or so in college, I'm now wondering if maybe I should create a kind of 'New Year's Syllabus'- a list of tasks to do and preparations to make. It's pretty clear that a regular chart isn't going to cut it for me; It would be far too easy for me to forget to check that chart. Certainly, the syllabuses that came with the college courses did keep me on track!
Until We Meet, Gentle Readers...
So you are Tigger huh? Recently he did inspire me as well:
A pleasure to meet you, Obelix! That blog is not mine, but it does look well worth following. Thank you for mentioning it!