Good Morning, Gentle Readers!
Today's image is titled More Quarters. I had created an image titled Quartered some time ago, and felt there was a punch missing- So I tried it again, but using a sunburst fill instead of one of the others. As you can see, it is a bit different!
Yesterday, I talked about recycling. Today, I will talk about what might be an ideal business for the United States to start investing in.
The fact is that as long as the country is dependent on oil, we are vulnerable; With foreign oil, we risk losing our supply in times of war, or risk extortion such as might be seen from a stereotypical mob family. If our oil supply is home-grown, we risk our environment, such as what has happened with the debacle that BP has created down in the Gulf. Considering how oil is made from the decayed remains of prehistoric creatures, it's really no surprise that some has been seeping to the surface all along, enough for life to develop that can live in such an environment. But such adaptations are not universal, and I foresee a large hike in food prices within the year because of the difficulty in locating an uncontaminated supply.
A few friends and I have talked about how to deal with the oil spill. One suggested that the farmers who presently receive subsidies might grow something like switchgrass, which can be trucked to the spill site and used to 'mop up' the oil, then burned for electricity. One has to admit that that would solve several problems; Farmers would have work, as would truckers, the oil would be attended, and people who have to conserve electricity even during this heat wave some of us are experiencing would have a little more to spare for their air conditioners.
Yesterday, I proposed that more energy-efficient and eco-friendly options actually become standard in construction. I remember several times using paint that gave off fumes, and I very nearly became ill in spite of the open windows. There are better options than that.
I have spent a few hours toying with ideas concerning home building. One idea concerns Dome Homes. I think that shape is a good idea for several reasons, though hard to implement: The rounded shape will offer little wind resistance, so a storm isn't as likely to blow it over, the rounded shape will not hold piled up snow very well, for the same reason, and if solar-energy generating film were to become more common, there would be more surface that it can be used on. I was introduced to a site for people who built homes like this, and I did like the shape- but I didn't like the institutional blue color. So I will want to do something about that!
Tankless water heating systems should be made standard; While they cost more in the short run, in the long run, provided the systems work as planned, people will be able to enjoy their long hot showers and baths at need, instead of having to keep a weather eye on the water heater.
I think farming and gardening should be encouraged; That way, there will be less chance of a real famine if for some reason transportation systems should fail. Besides, my mother mentioned that she found digging in the dirt to be very therapeutic during trying times.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers....