Good Afternoon, Gentle Readers!
Today's image is titled Portal. When I first made it, that's about what the egg in the middle looked like to me- Though admittedly, a portal being approached from an unusual angle.
Today, I'm going back to talking about school. I have only one more assignment that is actually due this week- But doing it depends on what the other students do, since I'm supposed to write a critique on someone else's essay. I can't say I really enjoy that much, especially if I find I have to be the bearer of bad news about someone else's writing. However, it is good practice for when I have to do similar things with my business. Certainly I have disposed of images that weren't up to my standards before!
Next, I need to take more notes about the final projects and start putting them together. I'm thinking that I would do well to invoke the Power of the Yellow Pad early this time, instead of waiting until the heat is on.
Speaking of the Yellow Pads- It took long enough, but I think soon I'll have to break out some new ones. Oddly enough, my husband found a ten-pack of them lurking in the bottom of a box just a few weeks ago. He commented to me about how we seemed to have a premonition that it would be needed. I don't know that it was that, but it sure is useful now!
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Feeding one's garden...
Good Morning, Gentle Readers!
Today's image is titled Many-Colored Egg. While it is a bit more round than eggs usually are, I really couldn't think of anything else to call it. Certainly it doesn't really qualify as something the Easter Bunny would carry!
During the last few days, I've rambled about how people can improve their lives without taxing the environment. Today, I will talk about something else in the same vein: Composting.
The fact is that composting is a great way to reuse one's vegetable scraps. One should never throw meat or fats into a compost bin, though: The stuff will rot and stink, and attract vermin. Most plants love egg shells, banana peels, and coffee grounds. I remember my grandmother using coffee grounds on her flower beds, and they always flourished. Not only that, it's less expensive than the fertilizers one gets from the store. Take this with a grain of salt, though; Some plants prefer poor soil, rather than the rich soil one gets from turning in compost and mulch. Thus, it is wise to know about what one is growing.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Today's image is titled Many-Colored Egg. While it is a bit more round than eggs usually are, I really couldn't think of anything else to call it. Certainly it doesn't really qualify as something the Easter Bunny would carry!
During the last few days, I've rambled about how people can improve their lives without taxing the environment. Today, I will talk about something else in the same vein: Composting.
The fact is that composting is a great way to reuse one's vegetable scraps. One should never throw meat or fats into a compost bin, though: The stuff will rot and stink, and attract vermin. Most plants love egg shells, banana peels, and coffee grounds. I remember my grandmother using coffee grounds on her flower beds, and they always flourished. Not only that, it's less expensive than the fertilizers one gets from the store. Take this with a grain of salt, though; Some plants prefer poor soil, rather than the rich soil one gets from turning in compost and mulch. Thus, it is wise to know about what one is growing.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Monday, June 28, 2010
Another use for sky scrapers...
Good Morning, Gentle Readers!
Today's image is titled Hot Coals- and I think you can see why. It was more of a random experiment than anything else, though I did casually think of trying to add some yellow to the mix.
It hasn't been quite as hot during the past couple of days as it was the week before- Or perhaps I've not noticed it, since we've kept the air conditioner and a lot of fans running for my father! He'll be back some time this afternoon. He is very much looking forward to moving this time.
During the past couple of days, you've noticed that I've written about different facets of eco-friendly living. Today, I will post an idea that I wrote about in a story- but that I really think could work, with adequate ventilation and good enough air circulation.
Many of you have seen pictures of glass and steel sky-scrapers. It seems to me that with all of that glass, those buildings would make wonderful greenhouses, and so increase the food production even within the cities themselves. Granted, those plants would be giving off water too- thus the ventilation systems. But since dry air is a problem in winter, that may not be a complete disadvantage. Certainly there have been a few times when I was ill and coughing my lungs out when the only thing that could stop it was stepping into a high-humidity environment, however briefly.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers....
Today's image is titled Hot Coals- and I think you can see why. It was more of a random experiment than anything else, though I did casually think of trying to add some yellow to the mix.
It hasn't been quite as hot during the past couple of days as it was the week before- Or perhaps I've not noticed it, since we've kept the air conditioner and a lot of fans running for my father! He'll be back some time this afternoon. He is very much looking forward to moving this time.
During the past couple of days, you've noticed that I've written about different facets of eco-friendly living. Today, I will post an idea that I wrote about in a story- but that I really think could work, with adequate ventilation and good enough air circulation.
Many of you have seen pictures of glass and steel sky-scrapers. It seems to me that with all of that glass, those buildings would make wonderful greenhouses, and so increase the food production even within the cities themselves. Granted, those plants would be giving off water too- thus the ventilation systems. But since dry air is a problem in winter, that may not be a complete disadvantage. Certainly there have been a few times when I was ill and coughing my lungs out when the only thing that could stop it was stepping into a high-humidity environment, however briefly.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers....
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Ideas for Green Living
Good Morning, Gentle Readers!
Today's image is titled More Quarters. I had created an image titled Quartered some time ago, and felt there was a punch missing- So I tried it again, but using a sunburst fill instead of one of the others. As you can see, it is a bit different!
Yesterday, I talked about recycling. Today, I will talk about what might be an ideal business for the United States to start investing in.
The fact is that as long as the country is dependent on oil, we are vulnerable; With foreign oil, we risk losing our supply in times of war, or risk extortion such as might be seen from a stereotypical mob family. If our oil supply is home-grown, we risk our environment, such as what has happened with the debacle that BP has created down in the Gulf. Considering how oil is made from the decayed remains of prehistoric creatures, it's really no surprise that some has been seeping to the surface all along, enough for life to develop that can live in such an environment. But such adaptations are not universal, and I foresee a large hike in food prices within the year because of the difficulty in locating an uncontaminated supply.
A few friends and I have talked about how to deal with the oil spill. One suggested that the farmers who presently receive subsidies might grow something like switchgrass, which can be trucked to the spill site and used to 'mop up' the oil, then burned for electricity. One has to admit that that would solve several problems; Farmers would have work, as would truckers, the oil would be attended, and people who have to conserve electricity even during this heat wave some of us are experiencing would have a little more to spare for their air conditioners.
Yesterday, I proposed that more energy-efficient and eco-friendly options actually become standard in construction. I remember several times using paint that gave off fumes, and I very nearly became ill in spite of the open windows. There are better options than that.
I have spent a few hours toying with ideas concerning home building. One idea concerns Dome Homes. I think that shape is a good idea for several reasons, though hard to implement: The rounded shape will offer little wind resistance, so a storm isn't as likely to blow it over, the rounded shape will not hold piled up snow very well, for the same reason, and if solar-energy generating film were to become more common, there would be more surface that it can be used on. I was introduced to a site for people who built homes like this, and I did like the shape- but I didn't like the institutional blue color. So I will want to do something about that!
Tankless water heating systems should be made standard; While they cost more in the short run, in the long run, provided the systems work as planned, people will be able to enjoy their long hot showers and baths at need, instead of having to keep a weather eye on the water heater.
I think farming and gardening should be encouraged; That way, there will be less chance of a real famine if for some reason transportation systems should fail. Besides, my mother mentioned that she found digging in the dirt to be very therapeutic during trying times.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers....
Today's image is titled More Quarters. I had created an image titled Quartered some time ago, and felt there was a punch missing- So I tried it again, but using a sunburst fill instead of one of the others. As you can see, it is a bit different!
Yesterday, I talked about recycling. Today, I will talk about what might be an ideal business for the United States to start investing in.
The fact is that as long as the country is dependent on oil, we are vulnerable; With foreign oil, we risk losing our supply in times of war, or risk extortion such as might be seen from a stereotypical mob family. If our oil supply is home-grown, we risk our environment, such as what has happened with the debacle that BP has created down in the Gulf. Considering how oil is made from the decayed remains of prehistoric creatures, it's really no surprise that some has been seeping to the surface all along, enough for life to develop that can live in such an environment. But such adaptations are not universal, and I foresee a large hike in food prices within the year because of the difficulty in locating an uncontaminated supply.
A few friends and I have talked about how to deal with the oil spill. One suggested that the farmers who presently receive subsidies might grow something like switchgrass, which can be trucked to the spill site and used to 'mop up' the oil, then burned for electricity. One has to admit that that would solve several problems; Farmers would have work, as would truckers, the oil would be attended, and people who have to conserve electricity even during this heat wave some of us are experiencing would have a little more to spare for their air conditioners.
Yesterday, I proposed that more energy-efficient and eco-friendly options actually become standard in construction. I remember several times using paint that gave off fumes, and I very nearly became ill in spite of the open windows. There are better options than that.
I have spent a few hours toying with ideas concerning home building. One idea concerns Dome Homes. I think that shape is a good idea for several reasons, though hard to implement: The rounded shape will offer little wind resistance, so a storm isn't as likely to blow it over, the rounded shape will not hold piled up snow very well, for the same reason, and if solar-energy generating film were to become more common, there would be more surface that it can be used on. I was introduced to a site for people who built homes like this, and I did like the shape- but I didn't like the institutional blue color. So I will want to do something about that!
Tankless water heating systems should be made standard; While they cost more in the short run, in the long run, provided the systems work as planned, people will be able to enjoy their long hot showers and baths at need, instead of having to keep a weather eye on the water heater.
I think farming and gardening should be encouraged; That way, there will be less chance of a real famine if for some reason transportation systems should fail. Besides, my mother mentioned that she found digging in the dirt to be very therapeutic during trying times.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers....
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Recycling and other Issues
Good Morning, Gentle Readers!
Today's image is titled Quazzar. It's a truly ancient piece, from back when I was first getting acquainted with Paint Shop Pro. I was trying to create the appearance of white light shooting from that star. As you can see, it didn't really work- But I kept it as a practice piece anyway.
Today, I am going to talk about recycling.
It's a great idea, one whose time has come- or come again. But there are a number of obstacles. For example, why do the parts to repair an item cost nearly as much or more than a new item? An ink cartridge costs between $20 and $30, but a new printer is as low as $25. Even if one were to try to reuse the spent cartridges rather than throw them in a landfill, the odds are good that the ink would spray all over where it doesn't belong instead of just on the paper.
As another example, computers are costly to maintain, or to recycle, and one has to pay a hefty sum to have the item removed- Unless one puts it out with the regular trash, which isn't strictly legal. But when the alternative is to have it sitting around cluttering the place, one does what one has to do. This item I consider amusing too; For a long time I worked on a Pentium 1 computer and dial-up connection, and have spent a lot of time laughing at people who have computers at least two generations newer than mine who complain about how old their machines are.
Yet another item is electricity. Why are most of us still on a grid, especially in light of the terrorist attacks? Why are most people being priced clear out of the market when it comes to solar energy, or other renewable forms of energy? Do the powers that be WANT us to be vulnerable to a smart terrorist who has figured out how to hack the computer systems for power companies and other similar services?
There has got to be a better way. I propose that gardening and composting be encouraged, rather than discouraged by greedy souls who want to claim copyright infringement. I propose that solar panels become standard in home construction, instead of as an option; That way, people won't be completely helpless in the face of a major power outage. I propose that prices be brought in line with the value of them items we buy, rather than being controlled by monopolies and oligopolies. Even huge conglomerates can't completely ignore that consumers can support only so much burden of debt before they stop buying goods.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Today's image is titled Quazzar. It's a truly ancient piece, from back when I was first getting acquainted with Paint Shop Pro. I was trying to create the appearance of white light shooting from that star. As you can see, it didn't really work- But I kept it as a practice piece anyway.
Today, I am going to talk about recycling.
It's a great idea, one whose time has come- or come again. But there are a number of obstacles. For example, why do the parts to repair an item cost nearly as much or more than a new item? An ink cartridge costs between $20 and $30, but a new printer is as low as $25. Even if one were to try to reuse the spent cartridges rather than throw them in a landfill, the odds are good that the ink would spray all over where it doesn't belong instead of just on the paper.
As another example, computers are costly to maintain, or to recycle, and one has to pay a hefty sum to have the item removed- Unless one puts it out with the regular trash, which isn't strictly legal. But when the alternative is to have it sitting around cluttering the place, one does what one has to do. This item I consider amusing too; For a long time I worked on a Pentium 1 computer and dial-up connection, and have spent a lot of time laughing at people who have computers at least two generations newer than mine who complain about how old their machines are.
Yet another item is electricity. Why are most of us still on a grid, especially in light of the terrorist attacks? Why are most people being priced clear out of the market when it comes to solar energy, or other renewable forms of energy? Do the powers that be WANT us to be vulnerable to a smart terrorist who has figured out how to hack the computer systems for power companies and other similar services?
There has got to be a better way. I propose that gardening and composting be encouraged, rather than discouraged by greedy souls who want to claim copyright infringement. I propose that solar panels become standard in home construction, instead of as an option; That way, people won't be completely helpless in the face of a major power outage. I propose that prices be brought in line with the value of them items we buy, rather than being controlled by monopolies and oligopolies. Even huge conglomerates can't completely ignore that consumers can support only so much burden of debt before they stop buying goods.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Friday, June 25, 2010
What to do when it's hot
Good Afternoon, Gentle Readers!
Today's image is titled Green Dawn Pentagon. I had a feeling something was missing when I made it a couple of days ago, but I couldn't put my finger on what, so I saved it as it was.
While talking about the unholy heat with a few friends, I decided that today was a good day to put out my hot weather survival list- though it isn't quite as hot today as it was yesterday.
1) Wear cool, loose-fitting clothing. That way, your body heat won't be trapped against you.
2) Drink plenty of liquids. Even if you don't think you're sweating, you will be at risk for dehydration during this time.
3) If you don't have an air conditioner, or if for whatever reason it is inadequate, soak a hand towel and freeze it, then wrap it around your neck. That will do more to keep you cool than just about anything else.
4) If you are still hotter than you like, soak and freeze a second hand towel, and wrap that around your head. It will look funny, but a lot of the blood in your body does rise close to the surface there so you can cool it more easily.
5) Take cool showers- Not cold, because you probably wouldn't enjoy it and wouldn't be able to stay in the spray long enough to do you good.
6) If you really should find you are getting thirsty or even dehydrated, don't drink sugary stuff: Sugar, overheating, and dehydration do not mix well. Try unsweetened tea or fruit juice instead.
Best of luck, Gentle Readers!
Until we meet...
Today's image is titled Green Dawn Pentagon. I had a feeling something was missing when I made it a couple of days ago, but I couldn't put my finger on what, so I saved it as it was.
While talking about the unholy heat with a few friends, I decided that today was a good day to put out my hot weather survival list- though it isn't quite as hot today as it was yesterday.
1) Wear cool, loose-fitting clothing. That way, your body heat won't be trapped against you.
2) Drink plenty of liquids. Even if you don't think you're sweating, you will be at risk for dehydration during this time.
3) If you don't have an air conditioner, or if for whatever reason it is inadequate, soak a hand towel and freeze it, then wrap it around your neck. That will do more to keep you cool than just about anything else.
4) If you are still hotter than you like, soak and freeze a second hand towel, and wrap that around your head. It will look funny, but a lot of the blood in your body does rise close to the surface there so you can cool it more easily.
5) Take cool showers- Not cold, because you probably wouldn't enjoy it and wouldn't be able to stay in the spray long enough to do you good.
6) If you really should find you are getting thirsty or even dehydrated, don't drink sugary stuff: Sugar, overheating, and dehydration do not mix well. Try unsweetened tea or fruit juice instead.
Best of luck, Gentle Readers!
Until we meet...
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Heat Wave!
Good morning, Gentle Readers!
Today's image is titled Gradient. I made it while trying to create a series of concentric circles with a glow in the middle. It did pretty much work as planned- but not exactly.
There is a reason I chose a picture today with a lot of relatively cool colors; The heat and humidity are intense! I might miss my evening internet, but I hope one of those storms we're supposed to have a chance of getting hits. We need something to break the heat that has us under a warning today. I'm in reasonably good shape, with an air conditioner and fans running all over the place- But I feel for anything who doesn't have such a refuge. I imaging the local malls are going to have a lot of people trying to cool off. Perhaps someone will set up offering water or ice to people; Back when Hurricane Isabelle wrecked the town, some people at a local church brought in bottled water for those of us trying to dig out. For that, I will bless them forever.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Today's image is titled Gradient. I made it while trying to create a series of concentric circles with a glow in the middle. It did pretty much work as planned- but not exactly.
There is a reason I chose a picture today with a lot of relatively cool colors; The heat and humidity are intense! I might miss my evening internet, but I hope one of those storms we're supposed to have a chance of getting hits. We need something to break the heat that has us under a warning today. I'm in reasonably good shape, with an air conditioner and fans running all over the place- But I feel for anything who doesn't have such a refuge. I imaging the local malls are going to have a lot of people trying to cool off. Perhaps someone will set up offering water or ice to people; Back when Hurricane Isabelle wrecked the town, some people at a local church brought in bottled water for those of us trying to dig out. For that, I will bless them forever.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Awfully hot here!
Good Morning, Gentle Readers!
Today's image is titled Fuzzy Recollections. I made this a few days ago while trying to get sunny-over-pink combinations. As usual, it didn't quite work as planned. I found the results to be quite soothing, though- so I saved what you see today.
I was quite surprised when yesterday I found I had turned in the last item I needed for Economics this week. So now I can switch my focus back to psychology. I suppose I had better look the final project instructions over again too; While I have files for saving notes, I have next to no idea how to go about putting everything together. Did I ever mention how I hate last instant rushes and try to avoid them when at all possible?
There are other reasons I want to try to get this stuff done this morning if I can; My father will be down some time this afternoon, and meanwhile the heat outside plus the heat generated by my computer will make my little workstation just a bit uncomfortable. When I checked the forecasts, I found that record temperatures were expected this week. I believe it.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Today's image is titled Fuzzy Recollections. I made this a few days ago while trying to get sunny-over-pink combinations. As usual, it didn't quite work as planned. I found the results to be quite soothing, though- so I saved what you see today.
I was quite surprised when yesterday I found I had turned in the last item I needed for Economics this week. So now I can switch my focus back to psychology. I suppose I had better look the final project instructions over again too; While I have files for saving notes, I have next to no idea how to go about putting everything together. Did I ever mention how I hate last instant rushes and try to avoid them when at all possible?
There are other reasons I want to try to get this stuff done this morning if I can; My father will be down some time this afternoon, and meanwhile the heat outside plus the heat generated by my computer will make my little workstation just a bit uncomfortable. When I checked the forecasts, I found that record temperatures were expected this week. I believe it.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Busy, Busy!
Good Morning, Gentle Readers!
You may remember that recently I spoke of trying to sell graphics. Today's image is an attempt at a logo for the company. There seems to be a certain punch missing though. So I thought I would present it and see what you think!
Today is going to be a bit busy; I have some school work to do (so what's new?), and my father may be coming in tonight so he can begin work in the morning. Also, my husband ordered a new lawn mower, since the old one was spouting gas out the air intakes- NOT a good thing! It will be a rail mower, so we don't have to worry about buying gasoline for it. Since our yard is small, that really is all we need. Besides, with a rail mower, I don't have to worry about waking the neighbors if I cut grass early in the morning, before the sun gets hot. That will be very important this summer, I'm thinking!
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
You may remember that recently I spoke of trying to sell graphics. Today's image is an attempt at a logo for the company. There seems to be a certain punch missing though. So I thought I would present it and see what you think!
Today is going to be a bit busy; I have some school work to do (so what's new?), and my father may be coming in tonight so he can begin work in the morning. Also, my husband ordered a new lawn mower, since the old one was spouting gas out the air intakes- NOT a good thing! It will be a rail mower, so we don't have to worry about buying gasoline for it. Since our yard is small, that really is all we need. Besides, with a rail mower, I don't have to worry about waking the neighbors if I cut grass early in the morning, before the sun gets hot. That will be very important this summer, I'm thinking!
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Monday, June 21, 2010
Switched assignments?
Good Morning, Gentle Readers!
Today's image is called Divisions. I had used the especial filters in this image before, but the results are incredibly unpredictable. For instance, I didn't expect that bright green at all!
I took a look last night at the assignment I have to turn in for the economics class. It seems to be based on last week's reading- which makes me wonder why it wasn't required then. Some might be tempted to yell, "No Fair!" But I do think the switching around is a good way to make sure the student is paying attention instead of just letting the material go in one ear and out the other. Still, I will have to go re-read some of last week's stuff. At least I still have breathing space for that!
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Today's image is called Divisions. I had used the especial filters in this image before, but the results are incredibly unpredictable. For instance, I didn't expect that bright green at all!
I took a look last night at the assignment I have to turn in for the economics class. It seems to be based on last week's reading- which makes me wonder why it wasn't required then. Some might be tempted to yell, "No Fair!" But I do think the switching around is a good way to make sure the student is paying attention instead of just letting the material go in one ear and out the other. Still, I will have to go re-read some of last week's stuff. At least I still have breathing space for that!
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Taming the Economics Monster
Good Morning, Gentle Readers!
Today's image is titled High Energy. It is yet another experiment with large spaces and unfamiliar filters. I didn't try to use much layering this time: Just enough to get that glow effect. But having seen this I think I have an idea I want to try.
I finally got through the economics lectures a couple of nights ago and started reading the chapters. There are five of them, but they are fairly short compared to the monsters of the first week. Additionally, much of the material in the reading was covered in the lectures. Not all of it, though, and some of the terms covered so far I didn't get to note while listening to Mr. Tomlinson.
As a little side note, I did notice something. There was a time when I had a positively awful hand when it came to writing- but lately it has been almost graceful, though it would never pass itself off as calligraphy. A few people would probably say that the awful hand-writing was related to unresolved issues. I now wonder if these people would be right. More food for thought...
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Today's image is titled High Energy. It is yet another experiment with large spaces and unfamiliar filters. I didn't try to use much layering this time: Just enough to get that glow effect. But having seen this I think I have an idea I want to try.
I finally got through the economics lectures a couple of nights ago and started reading the chapters. There are five of them, but they are fairly short compared to the monsters of the first week. Additionally, much of the material in the reading was covered in the lectures. Not all of it, though, and some of the terms covered so far I didn't get to note while listening to Mr. Tomlinson.
As a little side note, I did notice something. There was a time when I had a positively awful hand when it came to writing- but lately it has been almost graceful, though it would never pass itself off as calligraphy. A few people would probably say that the awful hand-writing was related to unresolved issues. I now wonder if these people would be right. More food for thought...
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Are we in business yet?
Good Morning, Gentle Readers!
Those of you who have followed me for a while will recognize parts of today's image. For the purpose of place-holding, I simply called it testing. You'll also notice that it is far larger than the images I normally handle.
There is a reason. Last Thursday, my husband declared that we were going to try to get my image-selling business up and running. But we were going to need various sizes, as well as the images I already have that might not respond well to being resized. I do have a few issues with large blank spaces, so I intend to try my hand at collages. I may even set up a special folder with items especially for that purpose. I will bring you more details as they become available.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Those of you who have followed me for a while will recognize parts of today's image. For the purpose of place-holding, I simply called it testing. You'll also notice that it is far larger than the images I normally handle.
There is a reason. Last Thursday, my husband declared that we were going to try to get my image-selling business up and running. But we were going to need various sizes, as well as the images I already have that might not respond well to being resized. I do have a few issues with large blank spaces, so I intend to try my hand at collages. I may even set up a special folder with items especially for that purpose. I will bring you more details as they become available.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Friday, June 18, 2010
Good Morning, Gentle Readers!
Today's image is titled Sky And Rose. It had been a while since I did my eye series, so I wanted to see what would happen with a dusky rose background, instead of the dark blue, black, or white. I am pleased, if I do say so myself.
Oops! I missed placing a journal entry yesterday. I can only claim my studies as an excuse; When I turned in my last economics assignment, I looked at what I had to study for next week- And my eyes boggled out! I'm looking at at least five chapters of reading, and am working my way through at least 24 or so recorded lectures. Eww! At least they're fairly short, so I should be able to finish the lectures some time today. And at least Steven Tomlinson- The speaker- does try to simplify the concepts for newer students.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Today's image is titled Sky And Rose. It had been a while since I did my eye series, so I wanted to see what would happen with a dusky rose background, instead of the dark blue, black, or white. I am pleased, if I do say so myself.
Oops! I missed placing a journal entry yesterday. I can only claim my studies as an excuse; When I turned in my last economics assignment, I looked at what I had to study for next week- And my eyes boggled out! I'm looking at at least five chapters of reading, and am working my way through at least 24 or so recorded lectures. Eww! At least they're fairly short, so I should be able to finish the lectures some time today. And at least Steven Tomlinson- The speaker- does try to simplify the concepts for newer students.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
So, THAT'S What Economics Is!
Good Morning, Gentle Readers!
Today's image is titled Spotlight. I wasn't sure what else to call it, but one can see why I chose that especial moniker. I may rename the image later, but until then the name I attached is useful for display purposes.
Last night, I finally got that one form for Economics finished. Lately, I've been discovering that the subject isn't necessarily as dry as that guy on the news programs makes it out to be, with a bunch of numbers going up or down with perhaps the occasional juicy scandal offered as an explanation. It is about people, and how people really can effect their environment, if they only realize the power they have. Sure, there are numbers involved- but those numbers represent events, not just some abstract thing on a ticker tape.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Today's image is titled Spotlight. I wasn't sure what else to call it, but one can see why I chose that especial moniker. I may rename the image later, but until then the name I attached is useful for display purposes.
Last night, I finally got that one form for Economics finished. Lately, I've been discovering that the subject isn't necessarily as dry as that guy on the news programs makes it out to be, with a bunch of numbers going up or down with perhaps the occasional juicy scandal offered as an explanation. It is about people, and how people really can effect their environment, if they only realize the power they have. Sure, there are numbers involved- but those numbers represent events, not just some abstract thing on a ticker tape.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
It Shall Be!
Good Afternoon, Gentle Readers!
Today's image is titled It Shall Be- and for a very obvious reason. I made it a couple of days ago for a friend that needed some encouragement. Later, I thought that someone else would like to have it too, so I made it available.
I suppose you're wondering why, just a little. Well, lately things have been hard for a lot of us. It's very difficult to believe that one can really be effective in causing a change for the better when the news offers just a steady diet of negativity. Now, I'm not one to advocate ignoring problems: Far from it! But there comes a time when the picture is entirely too skewed, and it's time to walk away from the television, radio, or computer for a while and look at things through your own eyes.
If you want something badly enough, and are willing to work for it- It Shall Be.
Until We Meet, Gentle Readers...
Today's image is titled It Shall Be- and for a very obvious reason. I made it a couple of days ago for a friend that needed some encouragement. Later, I thought that someone else would like to have it too, so I made it available.
I suppose you're wondering why, just a little. Well, lately things have been hard for a lot of us. It's very difficult to believe that one can really be effective in causing a change for the better when the news offers just a steady diet of negativity. Now, I'm not one to advocate ignoring problems: Far from it! But there comes a time when the picture is entirely too skewed, and it's time to walk away from the television, radio, or computer for a while and look at things through your own eyes.
If you want something badly enough, and are willing to work for it- It Shall Be.
Until We Meet, Gentle Readers...
Monday, June 14, 2010
Food For Thought...
Good Afternoon, Gentle Readers!
Today's image is titled Sequins. I tried to use background color to cancel out the circles confining the flood fills, but that didn't quite work as planned- so I made a slightly unusual use of one of my normal deformations. Again, that didn't quite work as planned. However, I was able to look the results over and make a few alterations so the space wouldn't look utterly bare!
I spent a lot of last night taking yet more notes and working on assignments. I was very surprised to find out about some of the acronyms associated with various kinds of stress, and did read a few things that made a lot of sense to me. I also looked at a second text, and got a lot of food for thought in the job market. While I don't see myself as a psychologist, I'm pretty sure I can use what I've learned.
Until We Meet, Gentle Readers...
Today's image is titled Sequins. I tried to use background color to cancel out the circles confining the flood fills, but that didn't quite work as planned- so I made a slightly unusual use of one of my normal deformations. Again, that didn't quite work as planned. However, I was able to look the results over and make a few alterations so the space wouldn't look utterly bare!
I spent a lot of last night taking yet more notes and working on assignments. I was very surprised to find out about some of the acronyms associated with various kinds of stress, and did read a few things that made a lot of sense to me. I also looked at a second text, and got a lot of food for thought in the job market. While I don't see myself as a psychologist, I'm pretty sure I can use what I've learned.
Until We Meet, Gentle Readers...
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Everything old is new...
Good afternoon, Gentle Readers!
Today's image is titled Hanging Globes. It had been a while since I used circle outlines to try to confine flood-fills, so I decided to do that. I debated whether or not to erase the outline, but decided against it; It would take a long time, and be more trouble than it was worth. Still, I might try using the flood-filled circles again some time, then eliminate the outlines by using more circles the same color as the background.
I spent much of last night reading my psychology text. It has proven to be fascinating! However, other than a few terms that were new to me, I had seen the material before in other books. I guess the saying about fashion sometimes applies to learning too; Everything old is new again. At least, that is how it seems when applied to human nature.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Today's image is titled Hanging Globes. It had been a while since I used circle outlines to try to confine flood-fills, so I decided to do that. I debated whether or not to erase the outline, but decided against it; It would take a long time, and be more trouble than it was worth. Still, I might try using the flood-filled circles again some time, then eliminate the outlines by using more circles the same color as the background.
I spent much of last night reading my psychology text. It has proven to be fascinating! However, other than a few terms that were new to me, I had seen the material before in other books. I guess the saying about fashion sometimes applies to learning too; Everything old is new again. At least, that is how it seems when applied to human nature.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Talking with the School
Good Morning, Gentle Readers!
Today's image is titled Pastel Rainbow. If you recall yesterday's image, I used an unusual filter for one of the layers. That technique was used here again, though I was not quite sure what would happen, given my color choices.
Saturday morning, and here I am thinking about school again. Speaking of school, I got a call from one of my new counselors. I seem to be going through a lot of them lately- which makes little sense. However with some moving on and others seeming to specialize in relatively new students, I won't go so far as to say No Sense. In any case, I will have a short break before I begin the next set of classes, which I have been promised will be challenging. Perhaps they will be; APA formatting is still my bane, and I understand some of the professors are extremely picky about that. Still, I do have that manual printed out. I suspect it will be well-worn by the time I'm done!
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Today's image is titled Pastel Rainbow. If you recall yesterday's image, I used an unusual filter for one of the layers. That technique was used here again, though I was not quite sure what would happen, given my color choices.
Saturday morning, and here I am thinking about school again. Speaking of school, I got a call from one of my new counselors. I seem to be going through a lot of them lately- which makes little sense. However with some moving on and others seeming to specialize in relatively new students, I won't go so far as to say No Sense. In any case, I will have a short break before I begin the next set of classes, which I have been promised will be challenging. Perhaps they will be; APA formatting is still my bane, and I understand some of the professors are extremely picky about that. Still, I do have that manual printed out. I suspect it will be well-worn by the time I'm done!
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Friday, June 11, 2010
Thoughts on Psychology
Good Morning, Gentle Readers!
Today's image is titled Cat's Eye Marble. Anyone who has played with marbles can see why. I confess that I was a bit startled by the effects that one of my filters created; I did not think about the rainbowed bands at all, chiefly because I was not sure I would be able to create anything quite like that! The effect did inspire a few other pictures, though, so I kept this one.
I got my last assignment for the week turned in for Psychology- but I think I should re-read that stuff. Humanistic psychology is an awful lot like Sociocultural psychology, and both of those share a lot of characteristics with some of the other schools of thought. About the only item I can't really confuse Humanistic or Sociocultural psychology with is the Psychoanalytical school- and that's because the latter is pretty sharply focused on the structure of the self, rather than the interactions with society in general. Oye!
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Today's image is titled Cat's Eye Marble. Anyone who has played with marbles can see why. I confess that I was a bit startled by the effects that one of my filters created; I did not think about the rainbowed bands at all, chiefly because I was not sure I would be able to create anything quite like that! The effect did inspire a few other pictures, though, so I kept this one.
I got my last assignment for the week turned in for Psychology- but I think I should re-read that stuff. Humanistic psychology is an awful lot like Sociocultural psychology, and both of those share a lot of characteristics with some of the other schools of thought. About the only item I can't really confuse Humanistic or Sociocultural psychology with is the Psychoanalytical school- and that's because the latter is pretty sharply focused on the structure of the self, rather than the interactions with society in general. Oye!
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Thursday, June 10, 2010
I'm not waiting!
Good Morning, Gentle Readers!
Today's image is titled Vivid. I came up with it while attempting to remake Celebration. As you can see, this picture didn't quite come out the same way as the first- But I did like the way it came out, so I kept it.
I was up very late last night working on a few assignments between reading a number of items. It does feel good to have one less thing to take care of! I do have another item that I should get turned in today so I can start on next week and look more into what I really need for my end-of-term things. I know, I know, seven or eight weeks to go. But I don't like that kind of pressure, so I'm not waiting!
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Today's image is titled Vivid. I came up with it while attempting to remake Celebration. As you can see, this picture didn't quite come out the same way as the first- But I did like the way it came out, so I kept it.
I was up very late last night working on a few assignments between reading a number of items. It does feel good to have one less thing to take care of! I do have another item that I should get turned in today so I can start on next week and look more into what I really need for my end-of-term things. I know, I know, seven or eight weeks to go. But I don't like that kind of pressure, so I'm not waiting!
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
It really could be worse!
Good Morning, Gentle Readers!
Today's image is titled Shades in Golden Light. I still haven't figured out how to use yellows and golds with blue or dark backgrounds as well as I would like, so I made this as a practice item. I may figure it out yet!
This morning, I was reminded that while I am not pleased about a few matters, there are much worse things to have to worry about. A lady whom I have spoken of before had to run for safety with a few of her relatives when the area she lives in came under a tornado warning. I don't recommend this, but Mario Andretti would have been proud of her! She is home now, so I'm just waiting to hear of any other damage reports there might be.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Today's image is titled Shades in Golden Light. I still haven't figured out how to use yellows and golds with blue or dark backgrounds as well as I would like, so I made this as a practice item. I may figure it out yet!
This morning, I was reminded that while I am not pleased about a few matters, there are much worse things to have to worry about. A lady whom I have spoken of before had to run for safety with a few of her relatives when the area she lives in came under a tornado warning. I don't recommend this, but Mario Andretti would have been proud of her! She is home now, so I'm just waiting to hear of any other damage reports there might be.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Not a happy camper!
Good Morning, Gentle Readers!
Today's image is titled Intensity. I was not at all certain what would happen if I put red-orange over hot pink on green, but it really came out nicely. The blue was where the real surprise came, though; I was expecting the strips to be a bit see-through, but instead they stubbornly held their color, and that was it!
Right now, I am not a happy camper as far as the school goes. The school has made a number of changes during the past six months that not only don't address problems, they create problems for the students. First there was not letting the students have access to the syllabus until the night before the new courses start at the earliest. That really plays havoc with the student's ability to prepare for the new course, but can be dealt with- though not easily.
Here is the kicker; Rather than turn the assignments in to the personal forums, the school has set up a little partition that lists the assignments- but is not really that intuitive about how to turn the assignments in. Because of that, an assignment, which I had done and had turned in to what I had viewed as the normal spot in PLENTY of time, was listed as not turned in. Needless to say, I am furious. The lesson is learned though. I don't intend to throw away my future in a fit of temper, even if I do think someone needs a serious lesson in common sense.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Today's image is titled Intensity. I was not at all certain what would happen if I put red-orange over hot pink on green, but it really came out nicely. The blue was where the real surprise came, though; I was expecting the strips to be a bit see-through, but instead they stubbornly held their color, and that was it!
Right now, I am not a happy camper as far as the school goes. The school has made a number of changes during the past six months that not only don't address problems, they create problems for the students. First there was not letting the students have access to the syllabus until the night before the new courses start at the earliest. That really plays havoc with the student's ability to prepare for the new course, but can be dealt with- though not easily.
Here is the kicker; Rather than turn the assignments in to the personal forums, the school has set up a little partition that lists the assignments- but is not really that intuitive about how to turn the assignments in. Because of that, an assignment, which I had done and had turned in to what I had viewed as the normal spot in PLENTY of time, was listed as not turned in. Needless to say, I am furious. The lesson is learned though. I don't intend to throw away my future in a fit of temper, even if I do think someone needs a serious lesson in common sense.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Monday, June 7, 2010
Thunder Rolls...
Good Afternoon, Gentle Readers!
Today's image is titled Smiling. I made it last night while demonstrating my imaging methods to my husband. While I was at it, I did use a filter that I normally wouldn't, and found that glitch that I had not used in a while. Other than the green, none of the colors are quite what I had planned. But the result is cheery, and in fact my husband said it looked like it was smiling. So, that it what I called it!
Last night, we had a thunder storm roll through here. That we had one is not so surprising, and we did need something to break the intense heat. What was surprising was the sheer intensity of the storm itself. There was a brilliant flash of lightning that appeared to be just outside our window- but it apparently had struck a couple of miles away, and that suits me just fine. Still, it persuaded me to shut down the machine for a while even though I was in the middle of taking yet more notes for my classes. Normally I would have just kept an eye out, but that was closer than I liked it.
It's beautiful outside now, and not so hot and humid. I'm going to enjoy this while I can.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Today's image is titled Smiling. I made it last night while demonstrating my imaging methods to my husband. While I was at it, I did use a filter that I normally wouldn't, and found that glitch that I had not used in a while. Other than the green, none of the colors are quite what I had planned. But the result is cheery, and in fact my husband said it looked like it was smiling. So, that it what I called it!
Last night, we had a thunder storm roll through here. That we had one is not so surprising, and we did need something to break the intense heat. What was surprising was the sheer intensity of the storm itself. There was a brilliant flash of lightning that appeared to be just outside our window- but it apparently had struck a couple of miles away, and that suits me just fine. Still, it persuaded me to shut down the machine for a while even though I was in the middle of taking yet more notes for my classes. Normally I would have just kept an eye out, but that was closer than I liked it.
It's beautiful outside now, and not so hot and humid. I'm going to enjoy this while I can.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Chances with Studies...
Good Morning, Gentle Readers!
Today's image is Light in the Distance. I've forgotten exactly what I was trying to do when I created this, but it did go back to my original starbursts- only with a slight twist. I think the next time I try something like this, I will borrow a hint from some of the Hubble Telescope images and see what I can do about nebulae and similar effects.
Last night, I went back to see what else I could do about that one economics assignment. I came to the conclusion that I needed to take a LOT more notes, and that I needed to go ahead and look at some of the other material that wasn't in the text book. That thought makes me a bit nervous; Some of the links that the school uses permit only one visit per student. While that doesn't often apply to actual study material, I'm not willing to chance that. It might be doable now, though, since the class itself should be open by tomorrow.
It looks like it's time for me to jump in with both feet!
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Today's image is Light in the Distance. I've forgotten exactly what I was trying to do when I created this, but it did go back to my original starbursts- only with a slight twist. I think the next time I try something like this, I will borrow a hint from some of the Hubble Telescope images and see what I can do about nebulae and similar effects.
Last night, I went back to see what else I could do about that one economics assignment. I came to the conclusion that I needed to take a LOT more notes, and that I needed to go ahead and look at some of the other material that wasn't in the text book. That thought makes me a bit nervous; Some of the links that the school uses permit only one visit per student. While that doesn't often apply to actual study material, I'm not willing to chance that. It might be doable now, though, since the class itself should be open by tomorrow.
It looks like it's time for me to jump in with both feet!
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Good Afternoon, Gentle Readers!
Today's image is titled Twisters. Part of what you see is the result of an unfamiliar filter that I was using with my lighting, and part of a technique that I had not used in quite a while. As happens very often with these filters, the colors you see are very much different from what I chose. A few times, I tried choosing different colors hoping that the filter would shift it back to where I wanted them, but I've not met success there yet. So it's back to the old drawing board!
I spent a lot of yesterday with ye olde yellow pad taking some extensive notes for my economics class. While I'm a natural and probably could teach the authors of the textbook a few things, I'm going to have to learn the terminology; Somehow, being ruthlessly practical isn't quite the same as talking to a Wall Street investor!
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Today's image is titled Twisters. Part of what you see is the result of an unfamiliar filter that I was using with my lighting, and part of a technique that I had not used in quite a while. As happens very often with these filters, the colors you see are very much different from what I chose. A few times, I tried choosing different colors hoping that the filter would shift it back to where I wanted them, but I've not met success there yet. So it's back to the old drawing board!
I spent a lot of yesterday with ye olde yellow pad taking some extensive notes for my economics class. While I'm a natural and probably could teach the authors of the textbook a few things, I'm going to have to learn the terminology; Somehow, being ruthlessly practical isn't quite the same as talking to a Wall Street investor!
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Friday, June 4, 2010
Good Morning, Gentle Readers!
Today's image is Random Green, Gold, and Blue. I was originally just going to see what I could do with green and gold, but I had the pale blue background left over from another image, so I worked with that. I'm glad I did; It kept the picture from being dark without making it look- let's face it, down-right naked!
For those who have followed me for a while, you may have noticed changes in the colors of the text and the background of the blog. A friend mentioned that the old white-on-black was hard on her eyes, so I had to see what I could do about that. I tried rose text at first- but the shade of rose available pretty much screamed 'teennie-bopper', and anyone who knows me knows I don't like that at all. Fortunately, the light blue seems to do the trick.
I spent some time yesterday watching and listening to performances of various scenes from Michael Flatley's 'Lord of the Dance'. I find the gentleman to be quite inspiring, and when I finish a couple of books I absolutely will have to list him in the credits. If you like Celtic dance, by all means get tickets to this show if you possibly can!
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Today's image is Random Green, Gold, and Blue. I was originally just going to see what I could do with green and gold, but I had the pale blue background left over from another image, so I worked with that. I'm glad I did; It kept the picture from being dark without making it look- let's face it, down-right naked!
For those who have followed me for a while, you may have noticed changes in the colors of the text and the background of the blog. A friend mentioned that the old white-on-black was hard on her eyes, so I had to see what I could do about that. I tried rose text at first- but the shade of rose available pretty much screamed 'teennie-bopper', and anyone who knows me knows I don't like that at all. Fortunately, the light blue seems to do the trick.
I spent some time yesterday watching and listening to performances of various scenes from Michael Flatley's 'Lord of the Dance'. I find the gentleman to be quite inspiring, and when I finish a couple of books I absolutely will have to list him in the credits. If you like Celtic dance, by all means get tickets to this show if you possibly can!
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Maps, Educational and Otherwise
Good Morning, Gentle Readers!
Today's image is titled Map. Believe it or not, I was trying for the snow-cone again, and didn't quite get it. Instead, I got the above abstract that reminded me of a sort of global map. Perhaps I should find out what would happen if I used a map in my images some time; It shouldn't be hard to locate one.
I was a little surprised that the economics class didn't start at the same time as the Psychology class, but my advisor was a little concerned about the work load. After the first week, I can understand why. Fortunately, I did get a head start anyway. I do wish the school would put the syllabus back where incoming students can view it! Not knowing what to expect really can play havoc with one's studies and attempts at preparation.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Today's image is titled Map. Believe it or not, I was trying for the snow-cone again, and didn't quite get it. Instead, I got the above abstract that reminded me of a sort of global map. Perhaps I should find out what would happen if I used a map in my images some time; It shouldn't be hard to locate one.
I was a little surprised that the economics class didn't start at the same time as the Psychology class, but my advisor was a little concerned about the work load. After the first week, I can understand why. Fortunately, I did get a head start anyway. I do wish the school would put the syllabus back where incoming students can view it! Not knowing what to expect really can play havoc with one's studies and attempts at preparation.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Surprises in Psychology
Good Morning, Gentle Readers!
Today's image is titled Ocean-Sea-Fire. As usual, I wasn't quite sure what would happen when I made it- but today's work did come considerably closer to what I was looking for than yesterday's; Yesterday I was trying to make a snow cone. I may try that again later on today.
I was considerably surprised by a number of things that happened yesterday. For one thing, I expected a heavier work load from my psychology class than I got for the week. That's really a good thing: That leaves me plenty of time to get a head start on my other class, and to start taking extra notes for my end project as well as next week's work. I think this is a key because next week's assignments will be part of what I want for my end-of-term.
Speaking of that, I will need the extra time to work on next week's assignments; They're huge ones requiring a lot of detail. I'll be studying my APA format manual as much as I will the official course material! I did take one workshop from the college for that, and was not impressed at all. After reading a few more scholarly items, though, I think I know what I keep doing wrong. At least, I hope I do. Wish me luck!
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Today's image is titled Ocean-Sea-Fire. As usual, I wasn't quite sure what would happen when I made it- but today's work did come considerably closer to what I was looking for than yesterday's; Yesterday I was trying to make a snow cone. I may try that again later on today.
I was considerably surprised by a number of things that happened yesterday. For one thing, I expected a heavier work load from my psychology class than I got for the week. That's really a good thing: That leaves me plenty of time to get a head start on my other class, and to start taking extra notes for my end project as well as next week's work. I think this is a key because next week's assignments will be part of what I want for my end-of-term.
Speaking of that, I will need the extra time to work on next week's assignments; They're huge ones requiring a lot of detail. I'll be studying my APA format manual as much as I will the official course material! I did take one workshop from the college for that, and was not impressed at all. After reading a few more scholarly items, though, I think I know what I keep doing wrong. At least, I hope I do. Wish me luck!
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Summer Starting
Good Morning, Gentle Readers!
Today's image is titled Summer Starting. Even though it won't officially for a bit, yesterday's temperatures were an indication of things to come; Very hot and humid. My husband, bless his heart, wrestled the air conditioner into a window so now I can be reasonable comfortable as I present this to you.
Here it is, just barely the beginning of June, and we have already had temperatures high in the 90's during May even. I've broken the shorts back out- and I think they will stay this time, rather than going back in the drawer during a cool spell. The assignment I started last night wasn't quite finished, though I did plow my way through the reading. Some of the material I will have to go back over again; A few of the concepts are too similar to be easily sorted with just one reading, even if I had seen the terminology a few months before. Also, I'll have to look at my syllabus; I find it hard to believe that one short item is all the work I have to turn in during the week. Thankfully, I do have some handle on it already.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
Today's image is titled Summer Starting. Even though it won't officially for a bit, yesterday's temperatures were an indication of things to come; Very hot and humid. My husband, bless his heart, wrestled the air conditioner into a window so now I can be reasonable comfortable as I present this to you.
Here it is, just barely the beginning of June, and we have already had temperatures high in the 90's during May even. I've broken the shorts back out- and I think they will stay this time, rather than going back in the drawer during a cool spell. The assignment I started last night wasn't quite finished, though I did plow my way through the reading. Some of the material I will have to go back over again; A few of the concepts are too similar to be easily sorted with just one reading, even if I had seen the terminology a few months before. Also, I'll have to look at my syllabus; I find it hard to believe that one short item is all the work I have to turn in during the week. Thankfully, I do have some handle on it already.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
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