Today's image is titled Many-Colored Egg. While it is a bit more round than eggs usually are, I really couldn't think of anything else to call it. Certainly it doesn't really qualify as something the Easter Bunny would carry!
During the last few days, I've rambled about how people can improve their lives without taxing the environment. Today, I will talk about something else in the same vein: Composting.
The fact is that composting is a great way to reuse one's vegetable scraps. One should never throw meat or fats into a compost bin, though: The stuff will rot and stink, and attract vermin. Most plants love egg shells, banana peels, and coffee grounds. I remember my grandmother using coffee grounds on her flower beds, and they always flourished. Not only that, it's less expensive than the fertilizers one gets from the store. Take this with a grain of salt, though; Some plants prefer poor soil, rather than the rich soil one gets from turning in compost and mulch. Thus, it is wise to know about what one is growing.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
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