Today's image is titled It Shall Be- and for a very obvious reason. I made it a couple of days ago for a friend that needed some encouragement. Later, I thought that someone else would like to have it too, so I made it available.
I suppose you're wondering why, just a little. Well, lately things have been hard for a lot of us. It's very difficult to believe that one can really be effective in causing a change for the better when the news offers just a steady diet of negativity. Now, I'm not one to advocate ignoring problems: Far from it! But there comes a time when the picture is entirely too skewed, and it's time to walk away from the television, radio, or computer for a while and look at things through your own eyes.
If you want something badly enough, and are willing to work for it- It Shall Be.
Until We Meet, Gentle Readers...
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