Today's image is titled Summer Starting. Even though it won't officially for a bit, yesterday's temperatures were an indication of things to come; Very hot and humid. My husband, bless his heart, wrestled the air conditioner into a window so now I can be reasonable comfortable as I present this to you.
Here it is, just barely the beginning of June, and we have already had temperatures high in the 90's during May even. I've broken the shorts back out- and I think they will stay this time, rather than going back in the drawer during a cool spell. The assignment I started last night wasn't quite finished, though I did plow my way through the reading. Some of the material I will have to go back over again; A few of the concepts are too similar to be easily sorted with just one reading, even if I had seen the terminology a few months before. Also, I'll have to look at my syllabus; I find it hard to believe that one short item is all the work I have to turn in during the week. Thankfully, I do have some handle on it already.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
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