Today's image is titled Circles And Sunlight. I used the extra-large canvas for this picture too, similar to yesterday's. I admit, I wasn't really sure what would happen with the extra light over the lines- but it came out well.
I suppose you're wondering what I'm doing up at this hour. Normally, I would be asleep still. However, my husband has fallen ill- which means that I have to see what I can do about that. Not an easy proposition when he doesn't wish to take the time off to get well himself! It also means that we may not get to the planned cook-out tomorrow, unless he spends a lot of time asleep when he gets home today; At least, that works for me when I'm sick. I'll have to disinfect a lot of stuff while he's out: So far, I'm still well, and I want to keep it that way. It may not work since we are in such close quarters, but it may keep a lid on how sick I get too- Unless by some wild chance it's something I've developed an immunity too!
Wish me luck, Gentle Readers!
Until We Meet...
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