Today's image is titled Windblown. It has been a while since I tried using a wind filter on any of my images, so I put the red in the background and used it there, then added the light purple pinwheel as the fore-image. Given how it is somewhat transparent, that part may not be easy to see- but I was far happier with this than I thought I would be.
Eek! I finally got done with my note-taking for my communications class and opened the text for algebra- and found myself staring at 66 pages worth of stuff! I haven't even looked at the second chapter yet! I'm going to have my hands full catching up! Fortunately, I was right about the familiarity. It does help some that a lot of space is given to practice problems.
It's not going to go away by itself- so let me at it!
Until We Meet, Gentle Readers...
You can do it cuz!! OH and I can do the powerpoint for you, if the material is all gathered up for it.