Today's image is titled Different Dancing Flames. It has been a while since I've attempted anything that is flame-based, and my first attempts didn't come out well at all. This image didn't quite come out as planned either: The center was supposed to be the green, not the blue, and the flame at the top was supposed to be yellow. However, overall I am pleased with the effect.
The leaves haven't finished turning by any stretch of the imagination, but fall is here; The rains have started. We had a few sprinkles yesterday, and a down-pour early this morning. I didn't hear any thunder, so it can't properly be called a storm. I'm just as glad of that; The cats don't like storms, and I would rather be in sturdier housing before a big storm hits again!
I've got only one piece of homework to do for my communications class this week- but I can't do anything about it until my classmates chime in about the discussion questions. Given the nature of the questions, I don't blame them for hesitating; They are about whether employers should monitor their employees use of the company computers and internet connections. My position is that the company does have a right to monitor what I do on company computers and company time- but the company had better leave me well alone when I'm on my own time and not using the company equipment and services. In a way, it's sad that this question needs to be discussed at all, since some people choose to behave irresponsibly and download stuff that has nothing whatsoever to do with the business- and that might even be open invitations to viruses and hackers. What's alarming is that some of these irresponsible people are in positions of terrific responsibility and authority.
Until We Meet, Gentle Readers....
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