Today's image is titled Eye-Opening, largely because of the shape surrounding the starburst. As usual, it didn't come out exactly as planned- but it did come out closer than usual!
Well, I am ahead of schedule- and I think that if I wished to, I could finish out everything due for the algebra course today. But there really is no point in it, especially when I need to check with my communications professor about the end-of-term. I might go ahead and see if I can get the syllabus for my next class too; Whether geology or accounting are next, both will be demanding and I'll feel a whole lot better about knowing what I'm really letting myself in for, beyond what I have in the course materials.
My husband and I went to help my parents get firewood last night. It's a good thing we did; The rain is coming down heavy now, and I'm not expecting it to really let up until Friday. Not that I'm complaining: The last few weeks have been dry. The cooler temperatures are welcome too; It's very hard to sleep well when one is burning up, while at the same time excess heat is sapping your energy!
Wish me luck, Gentle Readers!
Until We Meet...
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