Today's image is a repost of one I made some years ago titled Nine-Eleven, and I think you can see why. Whole futures were cut off during the horrific events of that day, and a certain innocence was lost. While dwelling on the past will benefit no one, we should make sure we never forget.
While I did spend part of today attending to school stuff, more of it was spent helping my parents get and stack firewood. My parents have a small house, and one of the advantages is that there is little space to heat, or to otherwise tend. I was given to understand that this house was built some 70 or so years ago. While there are a number of places where the floor slopes- a lot- it's in remarkably good condition for its age. That's a good thing. I don't relish the thought of trying to to get things down those stairs!
Until We Meet, Gentle Readers...
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