Today's image is titled A Point Made- and I think you can see why! I was idly contemplating trying to put a teardrop in a pentagon, but decided against it for this image. I may do so for the next.
I mentioned removing Solitaire from my list of readily-accessible games so I wouldn't waste so much of the time I need for school playing that instead. I've been finding that it's a very hard addiction to break. Slowly but surely, though, I'm breaking it; I'm not trying to mouse over to that tab as much as I did yesterday.
I got my last assignment done for Economics last night, so now I can pay more attention to my next courses. I may have to rewrite part of it; I went well over the word count for it. Still, it's a nice little essay if I do say so myself! This morning as I was tending my morning chores, I very firmly put my old study materials in a pile away from what I need for the new ones. I won't be throwing them out; They might be useful for future assignments, especially in my business communication course.
Wish me luck, Gentle Readers!
Until We Meet...
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