Today's image is titled Netted Inspiration. It's not really properly netted as such- But one of the colors, at least, that you see isn't supposed to be there at all; It's the result of a feature (or is that bug?) that I couldn't get around without messing up something that I wanted to keep. The result is enjoyable, though, so now I present it for your perusal.
I got that last assignment done for Algebra last night- though I don't think it was done exactly as the professor wanted it done. However, it is out of my hair, so I spent time last night going over some material that was giving me difficulty. That should be a huge help!
I also have some plans for today. As some of you know, I play a couple of MUDs. Late last night- Or should I say early this morning?- several other players and I got pulled up for a friendly little talk with one of the new GMs. While at it, I had a couple of ideas. So I need to do a bit of research so I can write everything down properly and show it to them. Busy busy! But it will give me a chance to indulge in creative writing instead of yet more reports.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
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