Today's image is titled Double-Helix. The layers in the main shape on the image were a bit of a surprise, but I managed to use them to good effect. I was looking for my rainbow again while making this. While I didn't get that exactly, I did get stained glass.
I finished reading a chapter of one of my new texts last night, then opened a form thinking to start filling that in. I promptly changed my mind; I'll want to reread that item, then see if there are any other materials I can access for note-taking purposes. Some course materials aren't really opened up until the class starts. I suppose it is to prevent plagiarism, but that doesn't mean I like it. I'll have to review my APA formatting manual too; I swear there is an incredible amount of nit-picking involved!
I did take a look at the rest of my scheduled classes too. Some of them look suspiciously like courses I was opted out of. Others don't; They just look scary. Well, that can't be allowed to get in my way either, so there!
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
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