Today's image is titled Daylily. While it doesn't look exactly like the flower (so what's new?), it did put me in mind of a few daylilies I have seen with beautiful red petals with bright yellow center veins leading to the tips- and a few flowers that had those colors reversed.
I'll be going out for a picnic with my parents later on today to celebrate the successful completion of the move. While it was a huge amount of work, it was not quite as bad as the last move; For one thing, I was not half-ill from red clay dust. For another, there was not quite as much stuff to move, for which I am grateful.
It's relatively cool outside right now, but it is awfully humid. I'm not betting on the temperatures staying down, though; They haven't for a while, though sometimes they stay a little closer to down than others.
I am optimistic about school, though not really happy about how the school site has changed yet again. I've already filled up pages of notes from one of my text books, and am expecting to get my syllabuses later on today. I suspect that the change in the web site is because of my major, though, rather than because of the school itself- if that makes any sense. A number of ads have started appearing from businesses, and my chosen major is Green and Sustainable Enterprise. I think I'll take a closer look at those ads later on; They appear to be legitimate, unlike 99.9% of the spam I get.
Until we meet, Gentle Readers...
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