For the sake of convenience, today's image is titled Hot Liquid Light. I did a lot of flame-based work this past week while trying to juxtapose purple against red and gold. As you've noticed by now, the purple seldom really looks like purple. However, I think I know why too. I would like to find a combination that will let the purple show without hiding the fiery colors behind it.
Last night, I checked my algebra syllabus for next week's reading, since that seems to be where the heavy stuff is. I was quite surprised to find that there was nothing from my textbook for algebra next week. However, there is stuff for the week after, and I will have to check the college site for any other links or lectures I need to take care of.
Upon reading my syllabus and term-paper instructions for my business communications class, I discovered why I hadn't been given instructions on the organizer part of the class; While according to the instructions, I should try to build my organizer this week, according to the syllabus it's not really due until next- and that is along with a bunch of other stuff. At least I think I've seen enough to make a start today and tomorrow; The syllabus mentioned a special chart and program that's supposed to help. So now I'll have to grapple with that! Well indeed that I looked ahead!
Until We Meet, Gentle Readers...
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